The Ultimate Non-Surgical Skin Transformation

  • What does it treat?

    Improved skin texture, reduced lines and wrinkles, minimized acne scars, tightened and lifted skin, and boosted collagen production.

    (basically all the good stuff)

  • What is the procedure like?

    Secret™ RF is an easy, safe and effective procedure involving a quick, 20-minute treatment. Prior to the procedure we use a strong numbing to ensure your comfortability. During treatment, you will feel a slight heating and some pressure on the treatment area. Most all patients find the treatment is extremely tolerable and the Luxe team and physicians have options to keep you comfortable.

  • Why Choose Microneedling with RF?

    Microneedling has long been recognized as an effective treatment for rejuvenating the skin by stimulating collagen production and enhancing overall texture. Now, we have taken microneedling to a whole new level by incorporating radiofrequency energy into the process.

    Radiofrequency energy is capable of penetrating deep into the skin's layers, addressing concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, and sagging skin. By combining radiofrequency technology with microneedling, we can effectively target these common skin issues with unprecedented precision and efficiency.

  • The Science behind the Results

    During the treatment, tiny needles create microscopic punctures in the skin, stimulating the body's natural healing response. These microchannels also serve as a pathway for the radiofrequency energy to reach the deeper layers of the skin, delivering controlled heat and thermal energy directly where it's needed.

    The radiofrequency energy promotes collagen remodeling, tightening the skin, and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It also encourages the production of elastin, the protein responsible for skin elasticity, resulting in firmer and more youthful-looking skin.

  • What is the downtime like?

    Your skin will be red immediately after the treatment and subside within a few hours. Some redness may still be present the next morning but most patients return to work the next day without any obvious effects. Makeup should not be applied for 24 hours after the procedure. Refrain from direct sun exposure for 48 hours.

  • How many microneedling treatments will i need?

    Patients typically need 3-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results. Most patients report seeing improvement after the second treatment however results are optimized 3 months after the last treatment. When working on deep scars or stretch marks we recommend 3-6 treatments.